Version history

Version 0.9.0

  • First version using the S7online interface

Version 0.9.1

  • added optional monitoring of the data-exchange

Version 0.9.2

  • Fixed: Data exchange with Plcsim doesn’t hang up any more, when packets of some special PDU sized occur

  • Check of the running IEPG-Helper servicename to stop/start service in Windows 32 or 64 Bit OS

  • Added Command-line Arguments, and the possibility to Drag&Drop a configuration file on the NetToPLCsim.exe

Version 0.9.3

  • Temporary fix: Implemented own response for SZL-ID 0x0131 index 3 request, to force clients not to use the cyclic data exchange mechanism, which causes sometimes communication failures

  • Usability: Automatic name generation when a new station is added

Version 0.9.4

  • NetToPLCsim answers a client that only one single request at time can be handled (MaxAmQCalling/MaxAmQCalled)

  • Added optional setting for rack/slot combination of CPU (maybe possible to connect to TIAPortal Plcsim)

  • Added option for TSAP check corresponding to entered rack/slot. Connection ressources 1, 2 or 3 are valid (1=PG, 2=OP, 3=S7basic)

  • Protocol monitor: requested index and ID of SZL requests are shown

Version 0.9.5

  • Adding Tool "Get Port 102" in Menu Tools, which helps to get NetToPLCsim working under Step 7 V5.5 SP2 and Windows 64 Bit

Version 1.0.0

  • Redesign of handling the S7online interface. NetToPLCsim supports now the full functionality of Plcsim. Programming functions like up- and downloading of program blocks and online diagnostics are possible. Also block-specific messages like ALARM_S, ALARM_8 and cyclic variable services are supported.

  • Added own response telegram to SZL-ID 16#0x74, used to get the LED state of the CPU. Independent of the operating mode, the response is always RUN-LED on, and all other LEDs off.

Version 1.1.0

  • Fixed: if many ISO packets were sent in a single TCP telegram, this may have caused an exception and disconnect (for V.1.0.0)

  • Added support to S7-Plcsim for TIA-Portal S7-1200/1500

  • Function "Get Port 102" from tools-menu is now executed on program start to stop the Siemens service

  • Monitor window: With mouseclick on statusbar the capturing can be paused and resumed

  • New documentation using Windows-Help files

  • Changed license from GPL to LPGL

Version 1.2.0

  • Fixed: Handling of the station-name used in the function to browse the reachable Plcsim partners. Fixes the problem that sometimes no Plc was found, or an exception occured.

  • Increased the timeout to stop the S7DOS service and added an optional second try, to prevent that a timeout occurs on slow machines.

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed: Reading multiple TPDUs from TCP-stream corrected. Data from client applications which used to send more than one unacked PDU are now processed without problems.

  • Protocol monitor: show requested variables in cyclic variable services

Version 1.2.2

  • Fixed: Received ISO packets with a length less than 5 bytes were not transferred to Plcsim. This is possible in fragmented ISO packets.

Version 1.2.3

  • Fixed: Fixed memory leak, which may lead to a crash of NetToPLCsim with "Out of memory".

Version 1.2.4

  • Improvement: Take the negotiated TPDU size into account for all further packets.

  • User interface: Improved dialog to browse and show the available IP addresses of the network interfaces.

Version 1.2.5

  • Fixed: Some Wi-Fi network interfaces are now displayed in the browse dialog. Added an option to show all available network interfaces.